"All Stars - "Tokio Hotel, You and Numerology
Many people believe in the magic of numbers. We decided to decode the name codes of TH guys. This code is maybe one of the most important aspects when the numbers affect us the most. To define the code you need to substitute the letters of a person's name with corresponding numbers, then to add the numbers ending up with one number from 1 to 9. As the guys' names in original are written in Latin so we calculated their codes in Latin too. We also added to decoding the guys' quotations about themselves.
Tom – 264 (2+6+4=12: 1+2=3)
1+2: Tom and two guards
The characteristic of “Three”
The person with the code “Three” is an optimist, a wonderful public speaker and a soul of a company. He is not like everyone else. The most important thing in his life is singularity, a desire to differ from anyone else, to become conspicuous. He is friendly but sometimes very emotional and light-headed. He has obvious gifts of a writer and an artist. If such person has no friends, he feels unhappy and thinks that he failed in his life. The “Three” can't live without fellowship and communication, he always needs to be in a public.
Tom's quotation, “From my childhood I did not want to be like everyone else and experimented with my style and answered back to my teachers. I do not see myself as a family man. I prefer short love affairs to long-term serious relationships. I love comedies and like to play jokes myself.”
Bill – 2933 (2+9+3+3=17: 1+7=8)
A high hair-do is not a sign of megalomania yet.
The characteristic of “Eight”
The person with the code “Eight” likes to come up with grand plans and to start huge financial projects. They feel in business like fish in water achieving desirable outcomes without much effort and expenditures. They have an inborn talent to work with material things and finances. Their weak spot is a huge self-respect which can turn sometimes into megalomania. Respect and acknowledgment is their air without which they suffocate even if the fruit of their work is obvious and speaks for itself. They desperately need everyone's attention; they want other people to talk about them all the time.
Bill's quotation, “Fame is like a drug. I always dreamt that people would talk about me and video-tape every step I take. Sometimes I woke up and understand that I do not feel like “showing” my face to the photographers but when I stay at home for a week without everyone's attention then I am eager to see the public dreading that everyone has forgotten me.”
Gustav – 731214 (7+3+1+2+1+4=18; 1+8=9)
One can envy Gustav's composure.
Characteristic of “Nine”
The person with the code “Nine” is a man of inspiration. He needs the atmosphere of harmony for his work and for his life. He works wonderfully in a group of friendly, well-disposed, calm people – he leaves the group of highly conflict people. A flexible work-schedule suits him perfectly. As a rule, the “Nine” is unselfish and generous towards other people. He can reason and analyze due to which he is respected by bosses, subordinates and co-workers.
Gustav’s quotation, “While the others worry before the show and run around the dressing room like crazy, I sit still in the corner and listen to music. I like to be silent and to concentrate. In the morning I wake up before everyone and walk round the city all by myself.”
Georg – 75697 (7+5+6+9+7=34; 3+4=7)
For sure even the other musicians in the group do not know all Georg’s secrets.
Characteristic of “Seven”
The person with the code “Seven” is of no hurry to open up before strangers, that’s why he seems mysterious and strange. He is a philosopher living in the chaos of the world and feeling loneliness in the midst of a crowd. He is extremely happy if he finds a soul-mate. If the “Seven” understands that you are worthy to talk to, he will willingly share his thoughts with you. Solving material and every day problems is not his strong side.
Georg’s quotation, “It is quite OK with me that Bill and Tom are “leaders” in our group and tell people a lot about themselves in interviews. I do not need so much attention at all.”
By Eleonora Miroshnikova who has decoded Tokio Hotel
Finally, Vote for the MTV EMA 2010!! - Info.
Tokio Hotel has been nominated for "Best Performance Worldstage" Vote from HERE* Information about the gala:Katy Perry Linkin Park and have already...(Read More)

Monday, 11 January 2010
All Stars (RU) #01/10
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