Friday, 27 August 2010

Tokio Hotel

It's official! To increase the list shows, Tokio Hotel will come to Brazil in November. The German band arrives in the country for the first time, with a single presentation in São Paulo.

Via Funchal will receive the group led by Bill Kaulitz on 23 November. Tickets range from $ 200 to $ 350, excluding the benefit of half price. Consider the price: $ 350 (table), R $ 240 (Mezzanine), $ 200 (track) and $ 350 (premium). Sales will begin on 30 August by telephone (11) from 2144-5444.

This semester, Tokio Hotel released the DVD "Humanoid City Live", a bestseller in the segment in Brazil in recent weeks.

Translation By º_NiaLitz_º - Official Groupies Tokio Hotel.
*If you take the translation have to say where from you take it and for whom it was made...Thanks!


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